Wednesday, March 19, 2025

बस्तर में संग्रहालय

बस्तर के अखबार ‘दण्डकारण्य समाचार‘ की 1959 से 2003 तक की 45 वर्षों की यात्रा का संकलन है ‘जिज्ञासा‘। इसमें दस्तावेजी महत्व की जानकारियां हैं। संग्रहालय विज्ञान से जुड़े होने के कारण इसकी दो प्रविष्टियां मेरे लिए खास हैं- पहली 1961 में उद्घाटित पुरातत्वीय संग्रहालय (पेज-25) और दूसरी जगदलपुर में 1964 में नृतत्वशास्त्रीय संग्रहालय (पेज-70) के प्रस्ताव पर कार्यवाही का निम्नानुसार है- 

Vol 2 No. XXXIX Jagdalpur, Sunday, February 12, 1961 

Kabir Inaugurates Archeological Museum 

Jagdalpur, Feb. 5. The Minister for Scientific Research and Cultural Affairs Professor Humaun Kabir told a packed gathering here that the object of the Government was to study Indian Archeology throughout India and Baster would now also be put under this programme. 

He was inaugurating a small Archeological Museum housed in the District Collectorate on the afternoon of Feb. 4. The function was orgins by the District Publicity and Social Welfare department with an initial collection about 20 sculptures. 

"Bastar is a land of fascinating interest having influences from different parts of the country with manifestations of diversity of culture besides its unique place in the sphere of Anthropology, Geology and the ike and rich also in archeological remains scattered all over the disrict with thousands of years of history behind them," Shri Kabir said, Announcing a token grant of Rs. 1000/00 for the museum, the Minister said that while the departments of Anthropology and Gelogy are already at work at Bastar, the Government would step in the archelogical sphere also when time was ripe for it and appreciated the move taken locally towards this. 

speaking at length of cultural heritage of India Prof. Humayun Kabir said that researches now being carried & linguistic survey of India being made from next year would have more insight into this. The Minister advised the district to apraoch Government of India for a technical Institute to be followed by Polytechnic Institution for the benifit of tribals. Later in the evening Prof. Humayan Kabir paid visit to Republic Day Exhibition and gave away prizes to the competitors in the presence of a t gatheringe. He felt happy at the development programmes undertaken at Bastar and laid stress on placing emphasis on spread of education which alone would lead our country to progress, he said. 

On both these functions, in the absence of the Collector, the Duputy Collector Sri P.G.Y. Mudaliar who welcomed the Minister and introducted him to gathering stated in brief the background under which the functions were held and later proposed a vote of thanks for the chief guest in glowing terms. He also thanked all those connected with the successful organisation of the functions. 

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Voll. V No. 40 Jagdalpur, Sunday April 26, 1964 

Anthropological Museum at Jagdalpur 

JAGDALPUR, April 14, 1964. The Government of lndia, it is understood, is examning a proposal for opening of an Anthropological Museum at Jagdalpur, the Hdqrs of Bastar District. The Directorate of the Anthropological Survey of India, Calcutta, had recently deputed Doctor N.C. Chowdhary, the Curator of Indian Museum to Jagdalpur for survey and to find out this possibility. This survey by the Anthropological Survey of India was undertaken in view of a request from the Ministry of Education, Government of India inviting comments and suggestions on the proposal immediately and also asking for a comprehensive scheme with full financial involvement in case the directorate support the proposal, it is very reliably learnt. 

Shri Sunderial Tripathi of the Anthropological Institute Jagdalpur, it is also gathered, met the Education Minister Shri M.C. Chagla in New Delhi early last March and put before him the fact that Bastar area had many interesting historical finds relating to tribals, finds of early 9th to 15th Century A.D. and urged the desirability of establishing an Anthropological museum at Jagdalpur Maintained directly by the Central Government which would prove very useful to the country. 

Doctor Chowdhary who was here for four days left for Calcutta and is likely to submit his comments and suggestions shortly to the Directorate.

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